RaaS's Roaming Messaging feature enables operators to build and manage relationships with both inbound and outbound roamers effectively and easily in real time. Mobile operators can genuinely elevate roamer messaging above the conventional "Welcome SMS" level. An operator can use RMS to send "Welcome" and “Thank You” messages to inbound roamers; "Bon Voyage" and “Welcome Back” messages to outbound roamers, promotional bulk messages to both inbound and outbound roamers or a pre-configured group of roamers, as well as a host of powerful, cutting-edge features to perform advanced messaging-based communication with roamers and open up revenue generation streams that can leverage existing infrastructure within the operator's environment!
RaaS integrates the core network via SIGTRAN / TDM in order to proceed MAP operations to utilize roaming services whereas it inspects LU and CLU requests to send Welcome, Welcome Back, Thank You and Bon Voyage SMSs to inbound and outbound roamers.Monitoring to detect LU, CLU and ISD operations is done in either passive or in active mode. Passive monitoring is carried out via the monitoring port of Ethernet L3 switch, whereas in active mode the system acts like a proxy to the MAP protocol located between international links and the operator’s signaling network.In case passive monitoring over an L3 switch is not preferred, RaaS gathers LU data from 3rd party platforms. To provide the best service possible, all servers, modules, services, and components use active/active load sharing
Multitenancy nature of RaaS provides to roaming-hub service providers the opportunity of managing the roaming services of different operators depending on different home networks from a single node; simply speaking, centralizing the management of group of operators’ roaming services
RaaS offers the ability to generate personalised messages dynamically on run-time containing information about subscriber’s tariff, previous usage or any subscriber-related information examined with the zone-based conditions on roaming text messages!
Dynamic messaging containing subscriber-related information becomes possible by extracting product catalogue and customer information data from BSS via TMF open API’s and evaluating according to the roaming zone. This model is constructed within the RaaS and used within the ‘Welcome’ messages. Options of storing and not storing the data extracted from BSS are provided.
Run time attribute creation support for Roamer profile server is offered to keep up the in-case necessities. When a new parameter is desired to be used in the subscriber profile in run-time, the relevant parameter can be added and value assignment for each subscriber in the system supposed to be provided by the operator.
For each inbound and outbound roamers, a profile containing information about roamer preferences, home network details and roaming network details is created or uploaded if it exists. Recorded data can be extracted and investigated if necessary.
Opportunity of viewing roaming history details of subscribers and roaming messages sent to those subscribers through Administrative UI is offered.
System architecture comprises 6 main services and external platforms. Configuration management service keeps the requirements of the system and Roaming Management Service keeps the roamer based information. Both of the services are utilized from Network Event Handling Service through restFul communication. Network Packet Probing Service coordinates with the operator and publishes network events to Kafka. Network Event Handling Service listens to Kafka and gets network event information; acts as the main decision point, evaluating data of roamers and events and deciding which SMS to send to which roamer. When sms sending decision is made, SMS Sender Service is called and SMS is sent over SMPP. Reporting service provides system-wised reports.