
I-Roam provides mobile operators with a next-generation platform built on an extensible, flexible, and scalable architecture that is critical in the quest to establish and sustain loyal relationships with roamers. I-Roam offers unique innovative features to increase roaming revenues at the same time increase usability.


I-Roam provides mobile operators with a next-generation platform built on an extensible, flexible, and scalable architecture that is critical in the quest to establish and sustain loyal relationships with roamers. I-Roam also proposes some other unique innovative features to increase roaming revenues at the same time increase usability.

Silent Roamer Detection

By offering specialized tariffs, operator can turn silent roamers into real roamers back.

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Location Detection

Identifying the travel map of a roamer which in turn can be used to prepare personalized new tariff plans.

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Encourage the tourists directly to get service from the operator as soon as they attach to the network!

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