How to get benefits of ‘Geofencing’ applications in the telecommunication sector?
Operators must differentiate themselves in an ultra-competitive and continuous business like telecommunications by running relevant, targeted digital ad campaigns. Because the majority of consumers have already committed to one of the few large firms, advertising becomes far more about impact than awareness. Advertisers in the telecom industry must figure out how to reach the right audience at the right time and track the impact of their marketing efforts on new service plans.
The decision to use the power of location intelligence into their operations at an early stage has helped the leader operators acquire a competitive advantage. They’ve been using location intelligence to figure out how many consumers they can reach, how many towers they need to build and link, and where they should build them, as well as how to optimize their existing networks.
Operators can take advantage of addressable geofencing to enhance the number of touch points they have with their target audience while lowering expenses. They can utilize geofencing technology to better exploit their customer data and revitalize their existing direct mail campaigns, as well as give foot traffic attribution by counting the number of targeted users that visited one of their retail locations. It’s not just about deploying new technology like 5G when it comes to optimizing telecom networks. Telcos must also focus on evaluating and optimizing existing networks, which cannot be done without the use of geographic data. With new sources of location data, they can gain a deeper understanding of consumers.
Geofencing applications can be utilized in the telecommunications sector for the sake of roaming control and usage anomalies, some example use cases are listed below:
Towards existing users:
- Locate lost or stolen devices: Notify customers when their gadgets leave a predetermined area.
- Costly roaming situations for customers: Alert users if entering a more costly area.
- Fleet / Inventory tracking: Company property devices outside predefined locations are detected.
Towards inbound roamers:
- Attract new subscribers: Encourage tourists directly to get service from the operator as soon as they enter the country by the means of marketing.
- Inform roamers located on specific cells: Send informative messages related to the visited area to the roamers.
Roaming Messaging Platform paves the way for operators to detect whether subscribers enter to or exit from a predefined area through its Geofencing feature where businesses can use the service to detect their potential customers and offer them special campaigns when they get close to the store.
At the moment a roamer attaches the network; operator has a chance to get the roamer as a subscriber by encouraging the tourist directly to get service from the operator.
Use-case: By specifying the cells serving at the airports and defining the geofenced areas covering these regions, in addition to the ‘Welcome SMS’ to be sent to the inbound subscribers connected to the network; information about the direction of the mobile operator’s communication center at the airport or various campaigns specific to inbound roamers can be provided. Business will make one’s name at the same time gain new customers. Roamers will be eager to benefit from the only store offering a discount specifically for them in a foreign country.
Sample Text Message:
“Welcome to Antalya. To benefit from the advantageous Overseas Package, which includes the right to use 15 GB for 10 hours, for only 60 TRY, you can stop by the <operator_name> Communication Center at Antalya Airport International Lines Exit Number 4.”
Thanks to this mobile geofencing in telecommunications, operators can easily reach the roamers located at specific cells which can be used as not only a marketing tactic, but also an informative channel!
Use-case: In Nepal, while people are hiking to Mount Everest, a message is sent to them to inform them about weather conditions and alert them about the possible hazards abroad when they get close to the specified cells.
About RaaS
DiRoam RoamingSuite as a Service (RaaS) enables operators to build and manage relationships with both inbound and outbound roamers effectively and easily in real time. Mobile operators can genuinely elevate roamer messaging above the conventional “Welcome SMS” level. Here is some key points about how our solution is differentiating from other solutions:
- Multi-tenancy
- Dynamic Messaging
- TM Forum Open API Compliancy
- Attribute Creation
- Roamer Profile and Event Viewer
- Subscriber SMS/Roaming History
To further details about our solution, please visit Roaming Messaging Platform.